[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

that being said, now I remember why I cleared Aelin.


At around the same time, Wazza mentioned killing Frostwolf/ATNoName, which leads me to believe that YoubutWorse has high potential to be scum with Wazza, as they likely communicated a plan to take down the king in scumchat.

Here he is directly stating that he wants Wazza to live, further adding to my theory that they are scum with each other (or Dragon of Byzantium, as I like to say)

At first glance these may look towny, since these posts donā€™t look like heā€™s being told these things in scum chat, but all combined, it looks like heā€™s overdoing it to make people think heā€™s town when heā€™s really scum.

Here, YoubutWorse looks like he cares so much about aligning his opinions with the majority that he is making far more posts than he should in order to make it look like he is town.

Here, YBW looks like he is trying to distract the town from looking for scum by doing things such as posting about TV shows he likes.

All in all, I highly scumread him to due to the potential of him being scum with my next highest scumread (Wazza), constantly posting off-topic, and overly trying to look towny.
While some people may think his behavior is towny, I have a differing opinion on him, an opinion that he is acting too scummy to be considered town.

If people do not wish to vote on the people who are basically mech confirmed DoB in my eyes (Wazza, AT, and Amelia) then:
/vote YoubutWorse @EliThePsycho @Arctic

Btw sorry for being inactive a lot of irl stuff came up while I was ISOing YBW

Can someone catch me up?


Voted Voters Count
CoconutsTasteBad clonedcheese, Leafia, Wazza, Whysper, Bacon, YoubutWorse 6/9
Ciri Intensify 1/9
PKR Emilia, Ciri 2/9
YoubutWorse CoconutsTasteBad 1/9
Not voting ATNoName, YoubutWorse, Gorta, PKR, Amelia, Aelin, GGhana

Ping eli & arctic if there is anything incorrect

this whole ISO requires that Wazza is scum which he isnā€™t for mech reasons.

What do you mean? I must have missed something important

Also Wazza uses she/her pronouns

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Well Iā€™m not going to say, so until you find it. I wonā€™t say anything else aside from the fact that your scumread on Wazza requires that he bus GGhana, but that would mean he started the bussing way before GGhana gave up and lolcat.


Thatā€™s why I said itā€™s not important.

Likeā€¦ thereā€™s a reason I said they are hard to judge.

I see perspectives both a scum and a town to post these kinda of posts.

The only thing that vaguely suggests towniness is reconsideration I guess since Whysper dropped a read and reconsidered it a little after realizing her original reasons for it were wrong?

I think your quote is broken cause it just brought to the start of the game.

Faking emotions isā€¦ not that hard.
And also this isnā€™t even a matter of faking emotions.

Iā€™m saying that Gorta can feel the same type of anger as both alignments.

Because if heā€™s scum, he knows a town bled him solely cause heā€™s a slanker, which would inflict the same type of anger as town Gorta, where he knows a scum, town or NK bled him.

Unless I read the post wrong.

Whysper went ā€œyeah, and plus theyā€™re an alt, so we canā€™t excuse them for newbie reasonsā€ which is likeā€¦ just total shading and adds almost nothing to the conversation at hand since itā€™s a response to someone elseā€™s scumread it seem, rather than her own.

Yeahā€¦ so how come Whysper says this but never makes a comment or anything about it.

So you agree that D1 isnā€™t the best day to read most of the playerlist : |

So why the hell do you blame me for having 10 nulls reeee.

You know, I was referring to Gorta.

But I havenā€™t looked at Aelin that much, mostly because I remember nothing about them.

But the posts you picked out donā€™t look too impressive.

These posts are literally fluff or memes.

This is in response to me jokingly going "lol are you in that semi-lazy chaotci town metaā€™, so not really AI as well.

Doesnā€™t the second post basically make the first post a meme?

This is like, the only relevant thing so far and I assume itā€™s a read on Amelia.

This is very plausible

Frick I posted too early

Goddamit forums


Thatā€™s why I said itā€™s not important.

Likeā€¦ thereā€™s a reason I said they are hard to judge.

I see perspectives both a scum and a town to post these kinda of posts.

The only thing that vaguely suggests towniness is reconsideration I guess since Whysper dropped a read and reconsidered it a little after realizing her original reasons for it were wrong?

I think your quote is broken cause it just brought to the start of the game.

Faking emotions isā€¦ not that hard.
And also this isnā€™t even a matter of faking emotions.

Iā€™m saying that Gorta can feel the same type of anger as both alignments.

Because if heā€™s scum, he knows a town bled him solely cause heā€™s a slanker, which would inflict the same type of anger as town Gorta, where he knows a scum, town or NK bled him.

Unless I read the post wrong.

Whysper went ā€œyeah, and plus theyā€™re an alt, so we canā€™t excuse them for newbie reasonsā€ which is likeā€¦ just total shading and adds almost nothing to the conversation at hand since itā€™s a response to someone elseā€™s scumread it seem, rather than her own.

Yeahā€¦ so how come Whysper says this but never makes a comment or anything about it.

So you agree that D1 isnā€™t the best day to read most of the playerlist : |

So why the hell do you blame me for having 10 nulls reeee.

You know, I was referring to Gorta.

But I havenā€™t looked at Aelin that much, mostly because I remember nothing about them.

But the posts you picked out donā€™t look too impressive.

These posts are literally fluff or memes.

This is in response to me jokingly going "lol are you in that semi-lazy chaotci town metaā€™, so not really AI as well.

Doesnā€™t the second post basically make the first post a meme?

This is like, the only relevant thing so far and I assume itā€™s a read on Emelia.

I donā€™t get the first reasoning.
The second reasoning isā€¦ interesting? But I donā€™t see Emilia being visibly unconformable.
Clogging thread seems fair.

Emelia read is explained.

GGhana and Amelia though??

Ignore this, read the one above.

Oh god thereā€™s another wall I have to through ahhhhhhh

okay i backread and actually think intensify might flip v if coconuts flips v which i think is the likely outcome unfortunately
which means i no longer want an intensify counterwagon to this wagon

A bit conf biased much for your W/W theoryā€¦ but alright I guess.



Kinda hard to see it thoughā€¦

This I can maybe see from a town perspective.
These posts do just look like YBW shouting the same thing everyone has said off the wall.

When were these posted?

Like if they were during the meme phase, then itā€™s kinda whatever, itā€™s the meme phase of the game.

Your reads on Wazzers, NoName and Amelia are really bad still.

Congrat you have reached the same conclusion as Whysper except you were slower. Bad scumread.

yep you have to search it yourself.

At least that make sense, but itā€™s T!Gorta getting bled for being slanker which justifies the reason for him to be very pissed off.

werenā€™t they speculating about who Coconut is anyways?

Because there was no need to?

That mean people are actually posting content rather than what happen every other game where we have dead slot. So how tf do you still have 10 nulls.

What? this a quote about you saying Whysperā€™s content about YBW being very lackluster. when did this become Gorta?

WTF? He legit said Gghana/Emilia contain 1 scum.

Itā€™s a defense and youā€™re dismissing it?!?

No. point is Aelin still SRs Emilia.

do you need me to google the definition of innate? It isnā€™t visible.

Like I said, there one thing called asking :).

bussing while GGhana could still many opportunity to escape? It has to be planned from the very beginning and at the SoD, Wazza was literally sheeping GGhana on voting me.

You think weā€™re not W/W???