[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

The fact that I was bluffing so that your slot would be left alone and not converted.
So that way if you were somehow innocent that I could try to reanalyse instead of just going in blindly.

Hm. Okay, that’s valid. PKR probably didn’t have TMI towards EoD then.

You were literally pushing the exact opposite of this and you clearly believed that we should vote Exe on Gghana. Plus, you never went back to wanting the king eliminated D2 to get a more villagery king voted to be king.



Why does not wanting king dead.

Imply nk

@Bacon_is_Executed You there? I have some questions.

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Tf is this progression

Am probably not gonna speak much because I’m taking wazza’s place in team comps for clocktower so

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Why wouldn’t I say something that supports my position as either alignment?

literally went to ISO people on my wagon for progression and found bacon having no relevant posts to me or coconut’s wagons but swapped vote for 0 reason

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Typing on phone one handed.

Yesterday I had an issue called Coconut who died partly because they pushed on me and distracted me. Anyway, I explained the King thing yesterday. There was no chance of wagoning AT yesterday and I was pushing on Coconuts who got executed, I was, you know, busy with that? Do you think I’m going to switch from a player who I think is scum to a King who could be scum? May I let you know, I was correct on Coconut, which means if I did switch, we probably wouldn’t have Heroine dead. And as stated yesterday, too many killing King abilities unlock D3/N3 thst killing the King at that point if they’re gonna live is pointless.

Yeah, maybe you’re right. Did you replace in for Ciri or something? /unvote

If I die though, I suspect that it’ll be Wazza who killed me.

Why’d you feel the need to say this thrice?

Both these reasonings are awful, and are likely forced. I know, because i did something similar my first wolf game.

Just these things. The rest of your talk was just pointless filler.


YBW votes Coconuts here

YBW concedes that my slot or coconuts would be a good wagon

YBW also has absolutely no reason for this vote swap?

Do you think ybw might be nk?

I ain’t dropping this, buddy, just because you invited me.

Anyway, gtg fr now.

Read over your posts and re-ISO me please

nah I think Intensify is NK

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I’d like to think nk would be more focused on self preservation

And also doesn’t have TMI unless they’re Lich defending their phylacteries

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Its suspicious as all hell that he swapped votes off of a bd, but he wouldn’t be stupid enough to do it if he knew he was bd