[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Ive been caught :sob:

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I find it kind of refreshing honestly. I like it.

I give up.

Itā€™s pointless.

Even with the Party confirm, someoneā€™s still gonna call me scum cause Iā€™m just cursed that way.

Iā€™ve accepted that fact.

Mate, stop throwing a sob story for yourself. The more you push away the idea, the more you look like scum, considering ITS THE ONLY WAY WE CONFIRM YOU

Remove this from Visionary PoE

oh yeah proven social


I know you havenā€™t been on this site too long, but Iā€™ve been mislynched every time as town except for I guess SFoL 62 and NUF FM.

Itā€™s just basically what happens to me every game.

Iā€™ve already expressed this that it doesnā€™t matter what I do now.

People will call me scum because my thinking doesnā€™t align with theirs.

Why do you have the Soulcatcher who literally revived you as PoE

They technically arenā€™t proven social
Itā€™s just that picking a social class to appear as to investigatives as Visionary is absolute suicide

Maybe its because of your attitude is trying to push away the idea to confirm yourself.

Soulcatcher didnā€™t revive me.

If they did, I would be able to vote.

No itā€™s not that.

Iā€™m fine with confirming myself.

But someoneā€™s gonna find a way to sus me.


Iā€™ve already given you my thoughts.

Kyo is still scum.

Quite frankly Visionary if Iā€™d say so myself.

Then who did?

actual names would be helpful

Have you been listening to a word iā€™ve said?

Itā€™ll work if you really are servant because itā€™s unshakable.

Iā€™ve read over the classcards a crap ton of times.

I feel like Iā€™m going blindā€¦ if I missed another revival class


Moving on from intensifyā€™s poor attempt to figure out who revived me for the unseen

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