[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

This has nothing to do with the bd mate

this just pisses me off more than anything, not to mention my disappointment

yes it fucking does, shut up.

Silviu is just townier

this isnā€™t a matter of whoā€™s townier when itā€™s a fucking NK and you know it.

Yeah tbh at this point if weā€™re wrong itā€™s honestly justā€¦ on us?
Like I scumread you early but got off due to the BD stuff
Silviu hasnā€™t played great, but hasnā€™t played poorly? And you claim herbalist whose only claim to fame is an exhume of reaper, which is not clearing

No, it isnā€™t on the Town, itā€™s on the shitty BD for being dicks all game.

Yā€™all are fine

Iā€™m unseen king so bd have already lost

You can take solace in that at least

just wish Cloned executed me now lmao

then again yā€™all probably wouldnā€™t have pushed Kyo

either way

I once again ask, what proof do you guys have that I wasnā€™t jailed? There was no way I could fake this perfectly

I mean, they were scumread, had bad associations, and I had a red check on them so I dare say we would have

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Voted Voters Count
Wazza Aelin, Marl 2/4
Not voting Wazza, Silviu, Amelia, PKR 4

What proof do you have you were jailed?

You can say ā€œclonedā€™s ISOā€ but that doesnā€™t mean anything to me

What did cloneds message to you say? You can post it, just not word for word verbatim.

literally just clonedā€™s ISO and the fact PKR wasnā€™t jailed

I canā€™t copy and paste, let me paraphrase

First he started off by telling me he didnā€™t trust me, then he asked me for the claimslist again (I sent it in my only post to him), he made it clear he wasnā€™t going to execute me by stating he suspected Kyo as well and that I was jailed because he wanted to 1. Prove to me he wasnā€™t converted (I was suspecting him as being convert) 2. Didnā€™t trust me whatsoever. Afterwards I asked him for his reads after sending him the claimslist and then I didnā€™t get another response

Oh boy

you canā€™t

either way, we already lost, moment Iā€™m executed the game ends because Reaper autowins in F4 and you canā€™t block their attack, most we can do is hope they somehow donā€™t have a lot of souls