[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

correct one

Why would I do that though? I had him jailing PKR.

Then PKR was jailed, he also returned before EOD when everyone knew Leafia was the execution.

I wasn’t outed as Herbalist here, not to mention they already thought I was NK, attacking me just to confirm their suspicions wastes a kill, not to mention, D2 should’ve been Call to Arms day, meaning they would’ve pierced anything I had and killed me, Reaper or not, however they instead claim they got a Neutral result.

@Aelin under no circumstances should you change your vote to Silviu while I’m asleep

If Amelia is evil senex Wazza and Amelia can hammer while no one else is around

one point in your favor is cloned’s lack of logs, because it implies that he was killed by Call of Arms Heroine
he 120 posted as duke
i dont think it’s impossible for him to have not left logs

If Amelia is evil senex and one more person votes me (Silviu), I get hammered and they win.

I’ll Unvote temporarily as well so no one can hammer if Silviu is somehow evil


ya think im stupid or something?
dont answer this

After watching warrior cats you literally never know

he 100% left logs, Cloned may have 120 posted, but he’s not dumb, not to mention the kill was already claimed by BD.

I’d feel so guilty if Wazza is inno.


@PokemonKidRyan right now you’re in “who would I rather lose to” mode

And that is how you know you’re on the wrong path

Ignore that aspect entirely and only look at the facts

but what if wazza is guilty

i have an explanation for warrior cats though

actually, I have proof he had logs.

He literally posted them at one point

The village was slipped lsd on day 1?

Also I meant warrior cats as a whole not you in warrior cats

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here he literally posts them

No they just got some of my Senex brand traditional herbs

/Vote Wazza @EliThePsycho
If wrong the entirety of this is on Marl (and Aelin)