[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

I can say if you really want to but I don’t want to

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Well, let’s pray that single neut with a 1/12 chance to spawn didn’t

It doesn’t take too long to figure out what Atlas can be.

I think I know as well… but whatever.

can you just not reveal
I, for one, don’t know what you are because I never bothered reading the class cards, and I will not be the only one. Don’t just spell it out for everyone and leave it there because I’m also not bothering to try and figure out what you are

I’ve said several times I’m not revealing


I’m gonna stop now, it’d be stupid to keep going


My mistake

Now Atlas.

One more thing.

You have been day occupied…

But you realize there’s literally only 2 classes that can day occupy.

An Unseen class
The Arbiter

But the Arbiter can only day occ if they pick a specific day ability from the mentioned unseen class that can day occ.

Your information tells us almost nothing

It tells me something at least

Either the unseen class is stupid, arbiter is lucky, or gg is lying

But let’s stop now, yeah?

yeah lets

no one ever answered this btw

This doesn’t deserve an answer

Well, if arbiter is in the game, the scum is HoB. I don’t know if it is or not though.

That tells us something then

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  • Atlas - Locktown
  • Intensify - Locktown
  • Frostwolf103 :crown: - ?
  • YoubutWorse - Nulltown
  • Ciri - Null
  • an_gorta_pratia - Null
  • Bacon_is_Executed - Townlean
  • PokemonKidRyan - Null
  • Wazza - Null
  • Amelia - Nulltown
  • Aelin - Null
  • clonedcheese - Null
  • Leafia - Null (I’m tempted to read scum, but meta says otherwise)
  • CoconutsTasteBad - Leaning Town (2 posts recently are striking me as extremely odd)
  • Emilia - Leaning Town
  • Silviu - 0 poster
  • GGhana - Townlean
  • Whysper - Null

Any questions?


None here.
