[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

either way id be like: Why the hecc am i bleeding, can someone heal me

I honestly donā€™t know, but I do think he would be a bit more resigned and call Gghana scum for bleeding him.


So why do you think scum wouldnā€™t say the same thing if they are bled?

They know their bleed comes from either the Demon or the Poacher.

I just want a clear answer to the situation :sob:
Prestige CCs would do just that

I guess it kind of would. It just doesnā€™t seem Gortaliketo me though.

i honestly dont understand who wastes a bleed day one

Answer to both: Depends on the person.

Yeah but.

As we figured out, Atlasā€™s ad GGhanaā€™s claim are every wishy washy right now.

Making a Prestige claim out wouldā€™ve been quite unnecessary.

Well thatā€¦ doesnā€™t really get us anywhere does it now.

Considering FoL games are pretty short in number of phases, it makes sense

I meant why wouldnā€™t it make sense for Coconut to rolefish as a wolf?

Gut instinct is that we are.
Or if not, Iā€™m going to become on your team because of you (if Iā€™m not convert immune that is)

Thereā€™s literally no Unseen class that is convert immune except the Exiled and the King so bruh moment

Not as blatantly as that would just draw attention and give no results

For all I know, they could, but weā€™re talking about Gorta here. My read is mostly based on my gut telling me heā€™s town I think. He just seemed townie to me. The possibility exists that I could be wrong about that though.

True. It doesnā€™t sadly. It might be his AtE that helped do it though as I really feel sorry for him. I know how it is to get blacklisted and to finally get into a game and then something like that happens.

I wouldnā€™t go with gut, but you do you I guess.

Iā€™m much more interested in the ā€œcontentā€ that he promises.

Hmmm, that kind of makes sense honestly.

I can try :stuck_out_tongue:

bruher moment