[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Though I think I know what I’m doing this night(whenever it arrives)

meh thats fine. I really don’t care whether we exe or leave them to Duke. I’d rather focus on other slots.

You’re acting exactly like Overwatch FM, Intensify. And yes, you do have a meta.

I’m saying if I truly cared about not having a second lynch because I’m “worried about hitting a PR” I just wouldn’t bother killing anyone. But I do bother killing people, because that’s the point of the game. I have a plan to kill people each day and if GGhana is pardoned, I still have a plan to kill people. I’m allowed to use shit in an argument to help myself out, even if I don’t truly follow it. I have no reason not to add it to my argument, now do I?

Basically, since I need to dumb it down clearly, I do not care about the second lynch, I’m not going to avoid it.

I don’t care tbh, if they don’t believe me, they don’t believe me. If I’m right at the end of the day, then I’m right at the end of the day.

I love constant unexplained reads. You’ve done it various times now.

No, I’m literally saying that of course we lynch players, that’s literally the point of what I’m saying.

even if gghana is fool we eliminate one scumsiding vote and a scumsiding mech player
there is legitimately 0 reason not to execute them
the only thing i am tentatively scared of is scum replacing gghana if he’s on the scumteam with a duke or marshal conversion

Go on.

Explain it to me.


I’m kinda bored right now, go ahead and entertain me.

This is getting super fucking heated, so imma go shank some zombies

Okay so then we do 2 kills by jailexing gghana and lynching right.

last night was a convert so unless they hit my permanent scheme or a neut. They shouldn’t be converting.

Jailexing gives us another KP

Is wolf still king

ATn is the king

because then we have the duke’s occupation utility to use on another player
it’s really just a question of whether or not we value an unstoppable occupation (and potentially a kill) over vote count analysis
and at this stage in the game i am fine with either but would prefer mech power over vca rn when we can potentially stop conversions if one happened to fail last night

Since when?

I think start of the day

How did that even happen?

they replaced into wolfs slot

Ohhhhh makes sense

Thank you Emilia

Lynch> occupation

like pls


hm okay we can use duke exe on gghana actually

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