[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Hmmm, this actually makes a lot of sense. Sorry for doubting you Wazza.

Ah. That explains him being in the game now.


You claim I donā€™t believe my posts, and now you claim I might be NK that genuinely thinks youā€™re scum?


Also you say Iā€™m caught off gaurd by Coconutā€™s W flip, when literally I was scumleaning them yesterday and had a case.

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I donā€™t believe your posts today. I believe that you couldā€™ve believed your posts yesterday.

(in reply to Intensify)

Also @Amelia why didnā€™t you vote yesterday?


So you believe I believe my Ciri scumread yesterday but donā€™t believe my Ciri scumread today???

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Okay. Iā€™ll do that later when I have time.

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I forgot

How does that make sense?

Intensify has been howling since D2. Since theyā€™re not aligned with Coconut and all neut slots are taken, they have to be NK.

Yep. I think itā€™s a likely possibility that you did scumread Ciri yesterday and was then caught off-guard by a coconuts W flip.
Your reluctance to re-evaluate today is so far out to sea that I donā€™t believe you genuinely believe your scumread anymore.
Feel like it could be you just being hesitant to change any read in fear of being scumread for progression on my slot as NK.

What does Coconutā€™s flip change anything about how I read your slot.

Buddy, you literally townread Coconut for being TWTBAW, and then immediately rescinded once you realized that you were dying over him.

Your reconsideration of my slot also sucks.

Ciri Case

This is scum.

Allow me to explain.

Part 1:
Letā€™s start with their read on me.

Itā€™s not fleshed out, and even after asking, she still hasnā€™t given us any examples of her thought process or why she thought this read.

Now this is the first post they actually mentioned for reasons of wolfreading me.

Thereā€™s 2 problems.

  1. This example is really bad and takes things out of context. They think me seeing a contradiction and using it as a scumread is scummy, when if you look at the context, me literally finding a contrdiction in Leafiaā€™s posts wouldā€™ve meant that she was scum who was trying to derpclear herself.

  2. I just realized this recently, but the post I made that theyā€™re talking out, was made after she made that W read on me, meaning that this isnā€™t even part of her reasoning, which leaves more holes in her reads that donā€™t seemingly get explained ever.

I donā€™t know about you, but like I literally said, they made their first W read post on me, before I even talked about contrdictions. As you can see, they are literally lying about why theyā€™re wolfreading me.

Either that, or their read is extremely baseless as they only provide one fricking example.


While Iā€™m going through this ISO.

Iā€™ll mention how this post is extremely bad and scummy.

Ciri thinks itā€™s a buss if GGhana flips GSā€¦

This feels like they just want to take away credibility from Wazzerā€™s flip.

Literally if it was a buss, there wouldā€™ve been so many better ways for Wazzerā€™s and GGhana to buss rather than this random mech crap.

Part 2: Their voting patterns.

These are Ciriā€™s first posts where she votes.
Keep in mind these are at the start of the day, and are literally like 1 minute apart.

This is Ciriā€™s reasoning.

Right off the bat, these excuses are bad.

Iā€™ve explained them before, and Iā€™ll explain again.

Their excuse basically boils down to:
ā€œI want to create a PKR wagon for VCA analysis.ā€

The first thing I say is: Literally vote me if you want a good VCA analysis. Iā€™m your scumread, Iā€™m like 99% your VCA analysis would be better on a scumread rather than a null vote youā€™re randomly sheeping."

Some people defend this as it being RVS or whatever, but literally wtf is Ciri doing then trying to analyize RVS.

They try to defend themselves again later, but their reasoning isnā€™t good

Itā€™s soā€¦ black and white and ignores everything thatā€™s happening in thread. Itā€™s literally ā€œ2 > 1, therefore I do X because 2 is better than 1ā€. You literally have a scumread on me, decide to ignore it, and vote a Null slot even though you can just as easily vote me and start a wagon.

Ciri doesnā€™t believe their own read on me.

This is also another horrible defense:

It boils down to ā€œIf I voted you, then people would only vote you or PKR,ā€ which isā€¦ mind boggling considering that we literally still had 48 hours in the day, and votes arenā€™t locked at all.

Everything about Ciriā€™s voting pattern doesnā€™t make sense, and itā€™s covered up by bad excuses.

This vote is bad.

Part 3: Reconsideration of reads.
This is their reconsideration of my slot + Coconutā€™s, after I push them for these scummy things.

Considering Coconutā€™s flip, this 180 looks bad. The reasoning sucks. Itā€™s a TWTBAW read. And they go back on this 10 seconds later once they see theyā€™re top wagon : |

Theyā€™re reasoning for re-evalauting me as well is really bad. Because I stayed on Ciri, I look good because I wouldā€™ve been reinforcing the existing wagons to ā€œseal a MLā€™s fate.ā€ It doesnā€™t consider anything (for example, the fact that I mightā€™ve been away for a short period, leading a result, and it feels more like Ciri begging me to validate her as town for this read.

Part 4: Pointless claim
Donā€™t have much to say butā€¦ jesus this is a bad claim.


Like why.


I cringe reading this.

Youā€™re afraid you canā€™t heal Gortas bleed so you can self-resolve, when thereā€™s literally a modconfirmed Neutral who was claiming they were gonna heal them.

Part 5: Other stuff

Other stuff that should be noted.

I will note, I am talking about all the bad things about this slot, and that looks a bit biased at first, but literally nothing about this slot gives me towny vibes or has towny posts other than possibly their beggining reads and takes.

This post pings me the wrong way, but probably isnā€™t scummy.

Conclusion: This slot needs to die.

Likeā€¦ thereā€™s so many things wrong with this slot.
Their read on me.
Their voting patterns.
Their wierd re-consideration of Coconutā€™s and mine slot?
Their claim.

It doesnā€™t help that Kyo doesnā€™t make them look better.

Kyoā€™s accusation is that I donā€™t believe my read on themā€¦ but I do yesterday.

Refute these points please.

I know youā€™re not Ciri, but it doesnā€™t help Ciri didnā€™t explain much of them well either.

I doubt it. I canā€™t really see an NK Intensify world after looking at his slot last night. He just didnā€™t have that NK energy to him. I canā€™t quite explain it. Possible groupscum I guess, but even thatā€™s a stretch.

As for YouButWorse, I think he looks a bit scummy too so I donā€™t mind him being the elimination. Heā€™s my current top scumread after reading through a few slots last night after all. /vote YouButWorse @EliThePsycho

Coconut flipped BD.Bacon is still alive.

like I said, replace Bacon with Coconut. I donā€™t know why I typed Bacon.

Iā€™m going to eat dinner.

I expect answers when Iā€™m back Mr. Kyodaz.

For now, I encourage people to look at my case and vote Kyo.

How have they been howling? I donā€™t really see it. If theyā€™re NK, their play would be nearly indistinguishable from their play as a villager so they wouldnā€™t be howling.

still dont know what RVS is