[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

thats the challenge, if you’re town you better start solving instead of saying I don’t know :).

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Btw whats your class type, we need it for mech reasons.

if you’re town then why aren’t you solving :).

This was the reasoning that made sense to me, and so this is what I’m saying as well. It’s possible they just wanted to make sure it couldn’t be prevented so they used the smite thing.

Bacon is claiming marchioness, and said you line up with someone claiming support @Whysper

because the only scenario we could think is you’re visionary who order your BD buddy to kill Emilia. We’re not gonna help you disprove it.

Is it pretty important? This might out me.

yea, it can mean the difference between outted scum or no

but theres literally nothing to support the scenario except that I registered as support
but thats mainly because im support

Okay, I’m Unseen Social.

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nobody can confirm you’re support and we think you’re visionary.


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So Bacon’s claim matches.

… welll when I was alive that is

you think im visionary for no reason though

thats what i’m saying and thats what i’ve been saying, I’ve asked for support to your claims and only leafia has given some, so if you’re so certain Im scum show litearlly anything incriminating

Btw this is why we wanted your class type. YBW claimed support.


then who else is visionary then?

Its me guys. This has gone on too long. Im sorry.

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actually wait, this is still fakeable.

Visionary gets a class to appear as, right?
