[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

He inoculated D1… No one was dead D1…

Ciri claimed to be a healer.
I wanted them to claim their result first.
I learn they aren’t Herbalist.
I claim the result.

it was simple, I could’ve done it earlier, but I was asleep.

Then why wouldn’t he exhume D2?

I feel he meant D2.

He isn’t herbalist. That’s why. He’s obviously the visionary.

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This makes no sense if you’re a villager. Why would it matter if they were also herbalist or not? You still out your exhume results especially if you think that there’s a second herbalist, because that can help confirm you.

dude what

Because if they out the wrong result, I’m widely townread and I get them killed?

I was always going to out it today, there was literally never any rush.

(Also because I wasn’t planning on outing at all tbh)

They were practically confirmed town after EoD yesterday. If they had been scummy, I’d be able to better understand your line of thinking here.

dude, I don’t give a shit about how townie someone is, if someone can be caught out by mechanics, I’d take that chance, if you haven’t noticed, scum can be townread as well.

It feels to me that there’s a slim possibility that you didn’t want to be caught in a lie. I’ll look further into your slot before deciding one way or another though.

Leafia, genuinely.

What the fuck are you on about? Anyone would do the same in my shoes.

As an actual herbalist, I doubt it as for one, I’d out it right away. As scum fakeclaiming herbalist, definitely.

Maybe I’m just being too paranoid though as there’s a 99.99% chance that you’re just telling the truth here.

It doesn’t matter how townie Ciri was, this was the situation:

Day starts:
I decide to ask them for their Exhume result.

They out the Exhume result and it’s correct, I can say I confirm them, then I know they’re either Reaper or Herbalist. I lock them down to two roles in my mind.
They out the Exhume result and it’s incorrect, I can out that it’s incorrect, then I know they’re either Visionary or converted BD, I can out my Exhume result, push on them and get them killed.

There’s literally no reason for me not to do this at all? You’re stuck in your tunnel again. Why would I start the day, out my role for no reason (As a Healer might I add), just to say it’s a Reaper game and that I can’t save people from them?

Please, give me a reason why I shouldn’t try and bait Ciri out or get them to seem like basically lock-Town in my eyes.

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Hell, I’m pretty sure this is what has baited YBW out, however now that I’ve said this:

/unvote @EliThePsycho

I already have and I gave out a perfect reason for you to act the way you did in the 0.01% of worlds where you’re the NK.

I don’t think you’re the NK though since it’s obviously Intensify at this point.

At this point, I want Duke to jail YBW/Someone to roleblock them while I exhume Emilia, if I get a Reaper result, then it makes sense that they failed to heal or they’re just the Reaper, if I get a different result, then they’re probably just completely fake.

your worlds are trash as you’re acting like NK has TMI.