[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

And Reaper

can literally do that

as well

thats all I have atm, Iā€™m still asking him to perform NKA on Emilia and hes dodging it.

I wonder why heā€™s dodging it.

@ATNoName Who did you make immune to conversion last night?

is this a real question or

ā€¦ofc itā€™s a real question

you were there when he explained

I donā€™t think he should say because it would give the BD TMI on who to try convertingng.

meh it doesnā€™t matter, I assumed they did convert N1, so I did the next logical thing and guarded Wazza.

Everyone loves me

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This means I couldā€™ve been attacked by Reaper, though

Doesnā€™t the reaperā€™s attack go through even that?

nope only bypasses heal.

Ah okay.

Good morning or afternoon

good mā€™evening


Welp, YBW is likely sleeping or something, so unless you guys have some spicy reads. Iā€™m gonna wait until YBW answers the one question Iā€™m asking for him to do.

He did say he was going to bed with his last post

Also god damn it
