[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Oh, okay. Well, I don’t know that we should completely remove him, but I guess leaving him last is fine.

Would Exhume say if a player was targeted by 2 different killers? Or would it just happen to be one randomly chosen as the 1st to kill the player?

Hm, this is fair reasoning.

I suppose I’ll find out tonight.

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it would list as many killers as possible since thats how ToL work.

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I don’t think waiting until night is a good idea since tonight is a convert night. We have to ensure all BDs are dead.


If both killed, it should say both? I’ll ask.

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I targeted Emilia n1

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welp yeah there goes the healer healed atlas n1 thing.

Emilia 100% wrote logs, there’s no way she didn’t.

I doubt it, it’s Emilia.

angry YBW noise

My logs were wrong, I did Innoculate D2 and exhume D3(today) because I forgot I could. And now I shall be called scum for that because I made a single mistake :slight_smile:

yes, because emilia doesn’t have logs, thats what the BD strongman does. I mentioned this

What question may I ask?

this is just me being an idiot because I’m an idiot who forgot to use day abilites

NGL, did get pretty angry last night and I do apologize for that. I needed to take a second and breathe and I should’ve done that instead of continuing

Heres an ultimatium, you perform NKA (night kill analysis) on Emilia or you get tied, spartan kicked off the castle, bounce via a trampoline and fly into the abyss.


Emilia has literally criticised people for not writing logs before
There’s no way Emilia didn’t leave logs
The only problem is I’m yet to find a game where logs are actually a mechanic and Emilia has died in said game

Thats simple then, Bd either attacked Emilia, Nk, whatever ybw said they healed, gorta, or Intensify

I did perform night kill analysis

They were strongmanned by the call to arms from the heroine, which removes logs. This was likely done because call to arms had already been used in the day and the heroine just felt like it, or they were really worried about a healer being on emilia (which I was so they had a right to). It’s also possible they believed emilia was an investigative, and wanted them dead ASAP.

Why Emilia?