[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

I forgot to action… again.

how the living fuck

Because I was just so hyped upon Leafia dead and flipping BD that I sat back, relaxed and was like “We’ve got this in the bag” then forgot, I actually have something to help us with

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I think a “friendly” chat with Cloned would’ve been nicer


and by “friendly” chat I just mean him sending me a message, me responding to it when I woke up and then never getting a response to the question I asked him

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You’re trying a bit too hard to make it seem like you were jailed, Wazza.

But I literally was lmao

If I wasn’t jailed, who was?

No you weren’t because I day occupied cloned, so nobody could’ve been jailed.
If you were jailed why weren’t you executed?
And remind me why you would’ve been jailed in the first place?

I mean, I do believe Wazza?
Nobody else is claiming jailed.
I know that the person jailed coulda been Intensify to make it fit… but… why?

This was until you claimed to have blocked the action.

Does your action specifically target someone? Or is it “the next person to use their ability”? Because if it’s the former then why tf did you target Cloned? And if it’s the latter then why are you so sure it blocked Cloned?

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If you claimed to have blocked the action, 1. You’re outing as Reaper, don’t know why you’d do that when you’d still have a chance but sure, 2. I wouldn’t be able to ever know you blocked the action, meaning I’d be randomly claiming “I was jailed” and then PKR just arrives into the thread to be like “no, lol”

I’m the reaper and icy touched cloned
Wazza is lying about being jailed they’re BD somehow

Is this your last ditch effort to make me seem like Visionary and yourself seem like NK just so you can survive the day and convert someone tonight? If so, it’s pretty shit lmao.

Intensify couldn’t have been jailed because cloned would’ve kept logs as duke
So unless we’re looking at poss or Ifrit as NK, it had to be the call to arms whatever whatever to wipe the logs
if cloned forgot to make logs ill tear his arms off and shove them down his throat

Anyway, PKR, what’s your will

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Logs i mean

Omg everybody I need to name my chocobo what should I name it

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No he didn’t forget to put logs, I know that 100%.

Also Intensify wasn’t jailed, look at his logs.

his logs… which say “fuck you NK”? or whatever