[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Hold on lemme get the quote

I bled you to see how you’d react

This is the dumbest conversation I’ve ever seen in my life that hasn’t bee on twitter or reddit

I don’t intend to go on about this forever


You’ve went on about it the entire day

Are you trying to compare multiple murders with talking about host communication and day skipping?

That’s kinda fascinating with how bad that is. They’re not comparable for a second.

Just because Wazza mentioned ‘laws’ doesn’t mean you can compare with that ridiculous level of hyperbole.

Maybe it’s more like littering. It’s morally wrong and technically against the rules ‘law’, but nothing that’s actually serious.

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You know full well that I know full well what you’re doing : |

Look I know you’re a law student but shush

how is this dumb

I’m trying to get Gorta to post something useful

but I brought it up again because I find GGhana’s reasoning terrible

So far it seems it has failed.

Cause Gorta keeps going on about the bleed.

Good job?

Ignore GGhana.

He’s… being GGhana.

Tell me, what do you think about the thread up until this point?

and I might have earlier if I had not been bled for no reason because I get obsessed

You weren’t bled for no reason

I bled you so you’d make content

you can just screw off now


if you don’t quit complaining there’s no reason you should be healed

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We just completely derailed the thread jesus.


Can you like stop talkign to Gorta.

You’re not making any content out of him.

Gorta all I can request is please don’t claim
To earn your heal, make content, convince us you’re good or something.
If you do that via a claim you’re as bad as me and I know how shameful that is then ooof