SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Correct, excluding King.

I claim fool :stuck_out_tongue:

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But back to the point;
Let’s lynch someone. The sooner the better. Just kill and invest as many as possible

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Okay, I’ve just got up.
I see Wolfy’s being voted a lot.
I’m gonna just quickly catch up.
See y’all

Sorry PKR. I was forced into voting Wolfy :frowning:

Oh god this feeling to duel someone who I feel is scum.

What did you claim again Strangle?
Duel someone?

PKR, why don’t we jump on a train to flavor town?

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My scum list
High-Orange, Polik(Yet to be confirmed)
Somewhat high-Strangle
No idea-Everyone else
Low-Wolfy, PKR
Confirmed-Unknown, Me, Luxx(?)

You admitted you’re scum?

Polik is Archivist and I’m Casanova

Strangle is also very likely Herald

Nice try though

confirmed bd :roll_eyes:

Luxx is also not at all confirmed

I personally confirm Polik as the Archivist and Orange as the Not-A-Witch and Super-Likely-Casanova

Gotta agree, that list isn’t right, and even though I appreciate your trust I haven’t confirmed myself

And Polik is confirmed by Meth (which he has no reason to lie about), and Orange is confirmed not Witch so he’s not a priority target at the moment.

hands Luxx an eraser

Oh my god how do I keep saying " is witch" instead of “is not witch”

I guess I just really want Orange to be Witch lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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same tbh