SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Do I get any negative effects for killing you?

A dead bd class?

I could live with that


Oh god how are we going to find scum.

Why find them when you can just kill them all.

I mean i am the King.


K, killing king tonight.

Someone confirm themself meanwhile, so you can be elected

Umm no please?

Why wouldn’t I?

Why do you want to kill me?

I just wanna survive.

Do you claim the neutral king?

Well remember he may be neutral, but that doesn’t mean there’s one king class that’s neutral.

Last time you said that you were a Shaman.

inb4 Psychopathic King.


So lets go with top 5.

Give me a reason why you shouldnt be dead N1.

Weakest reason dies.

If all of you have good reason - king dies.

I should survive this so I can help lead. I love playing FM and FoL, so playing Chaos FoL will really test my skills and be as enjoyable as it could be for me.

You should let me live because of my high levels of activity, determination and my love of FoL. Furthermore, I’m pretty chaotic in any FoL game. It’d be even more fun and chaotic to keep me alive. Challenging and purely interestingly crazy

My class makes me wish I was a court wizard instead.

My class will be extremly useful to BD, unless they want something to happen to them that is. I won’t tell you more than that