SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Not really

b) How would you be able to know that you will attack Insanity if you attack me? You knew I was claiming immune BD. You had a way to test it, yet didn’t do it.

c) That was paper of lies, not paper of truth, meaning oposite result. Green meant that you are not Volounteer.

@Ami - when you get results, confirm it.

is it normal that I didn’t get the notification that I get the swordy?

Stop. The Archivist might have been corrupted, sending a Paper of Truth. Source does more fit the Luxx claim!

You didn’t get the sword, Rope did.

Polik didn’t have paper of truth already tbh.

Did they use both?

Yep, Insanity & Wolfy.

@Unknown - Confirm. You already used great cleansing, right?

there is still the problem that the Luxx claim is a Source claim, the other one a Corruptor claim(as Corruptor can kill).

I’m confused


Paper of Lies: Red=correct; Green=Fake

Not really.

You said you got “Corrupted” result.
Looking that Source is immune to investigation EXCEPT the night they are making new corruptor, I still believe that Luxx is corruptor.

No no no no! That’s not automatic. The Source can always try to mislead BD by claiming target of CE…

Tbh true

How about removing the Confirmed Killer? I mean, the Corrupt have converted today anyways…

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Kitsune and splash paint into Mole/Luxx?

I’m a confirmed killer tho ;-;