SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Yeah, no posting when you’re not supposed to! We’re trying to preserve the 4th wall here.

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@Sketch This is a very deep roleplaying experience, people stake their identities on this.

Wouldn’t want to ruin anybody’s life and make them face the fact that nobody actually matters, now would we?

trigger warning?



(cryptic references aside, I’ll go back tobeing dead now)

Is that a reference? (Language Warning)

Doki Doki Reference

Hippo, tell me the truth: Did you get Corrupted? (Seems super unlikely because you’re the most obvious lynch target in the history of ever, but Mole is pardoning you).
This is actually a very important question.

I would ask if you’re serious.
But, sadly you probably are Meth.
I believe, as many others do, that he was corrupted.
AND that Orange too is a possible extra Kitsune so we have to consider that at least.

The revive from the Source doesn’t automatically convert him, and it’s obvious that a revived neutral killer would go on trial just about instantly, which is why I was skeptical. It seems more likely that the Corrupter would convert another person.
However, I’d like to know for sure.

Also I assume you meant eevee and not orange.

I do indeed mean eevee. My mistake.
Also, I understand where you’re coming from with the convert.
But, why wouldn’t they want a NK.
They might think that we’d think like that…

Want to hear from Hippo about this. I hope he tells me the truth, I’d really appreciate knowing.


That plus Noz’s sword result are 100% confirming here.

PKR why would they converted me when I was clearly getting hung today :joy::joy:.

They literally just revived me to force you to lynch me today. Converting me is such a painfully stupid idea lol.

They’ve probably gone for PKR or Meth. They could go for rogue as a last ditch attempt though which would be interesting.

Nah, it’s not me.
I kind of do want to know whether they converted a BD or a Neutral though.

It is unlikely to be Polik, but could be Rogue. I doubt they converted eevee as she is clearly evil anyway.

Information about whether it’s a BD or a Neutral would be really nice to have.
It’d be so cool if someone who’s basically confirmed themselves as scum (cough @Moleland cough) could let me know if there’s 3 neutrals alive right now or not.

There’s 4 neutrals unless one was converted. When I am dead there will be 3.

Waaaait, if we hanged a Corruptor now, would Rope be able to check who was last visited by him?

That would risk new possessor forms ource’s ability tho.

I don’t believe eevee is a Mimic.

Neither do I btw.

I don’t know why you aren’t hanging Moleland the Source anyway :neutral_face:

Oh and remember.

Rope might be confirming me in some way, but that doesn’t mean Rope is confirmed themself. Tho I’m 95% sure they are what they claim.