SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Unknown can you check mole?

I’ve not been here for ages.
Or at least, fully thinking while here.
So did I miss anything?

Yeah we were just about to inno me and hang Moleland.



Maybe :clap: we :clap: should :clap: kill :clap: you :clap: first :clap:

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The :clap: clapping :clap: hands :clap: thing :clap: doesn’t :clap: translate :clap: well :clap: to :clap: digital :clap: text, :clap: and :clap: is :clap: generally :clap: an :clap: eyesore :clap: to :clap: read. :clap: They :clap: are :clap: not :clap: doing :clap: their :clap: one :clap: job, :clap: which :clap: is :clap: emphasizing. :clap: While :clap: real :clap: emphasis :clap: clapping :clap: stresses :clap: certain :clap: syllables, :clap: the :clap: interpolated :clap: emoji :clap: seem :clap: to :clap: arrive :clap: after :clap: the :clap: words, :clap: not :clap: at :clap: the :clap: same :clap: time. :clap: They :clap: disrupt :clap: the :clap: flow :clap: of :clap: the :clap: statement, :clap: creating :clap: a :clap: stuttering :clap: and :clap: uncertain :clap: effect. :clap: And :clap: here’s :clap: the :clap: other :clap: thing: :clap: That :clap: message :clap: being :clap: communicated? :clap: It :clap: presumes :clap: a :clap: consensus :clap: and :clap: essentially :clap: calls :clap: the :clap: reader :clap: an :clap: idiot. :clap: As :clap: such, :clap: it :clap: is :clap: typical :clap: of :clap: a :clap: bigger, :clap: badder :clap: tendency :clap: in :clap: online :clap: discourse: :clap: that :clap: of :clap: unequivocally :clap: claiming :clap: the :clap: moral :clap: high :clap: ground :clap: and :clap: browbeating :clap: anyone :clap: who :clap: disagrees :clap: with :clap: you. :clap: The :clap: emphasis :clap: clap :clap: doesn’t :clap: just :clap: present :clap: a :clap: viewpoint. :clap: It :clap: presents :clap: a :clap: viewpoint :clap: as :clap: the :clap: only :clap: possible :clap: viewpoint. Did :clap: you :clap: notice :clap: how :clap: you :clap: started :clap: to :clap: ignore :clap: the :clap: clap :clap: emojis? :clap: Can :clap: you :clap: imagine :clap: how :clap: much :clap: easier :clap: this :clap: would :clap: be :clap: to :clap: read :clap: and :clap: comprehend :clap: without :clap: them? :clap: Can :clap: we :clap: please :clap: all :clap: stop :clap: using :clap: them?

no :clap:

Lorem :clap: ipsum :clap: dolor :clap: sit :clap: amet :clap:, consectetur :clap: adipiscing :clap: elit :clap:. Maecenas :clap: viverra :clap: semper :clap: ex :clap:, ut :clap: consectetur :clap: tortor :clap:fringilla :clap:lobortis :clap:. :clap:In :clap:blandit :clap:lobortis :clap:elit :clap:lacinia :clap:aliquam. Proin :clap: tincidunt :clap:, libero :clap:eget :clap:pulvinar :clap: tincidunt :clap:, odio :clap: quam interdum mi, ut facilisis velit erat accumsan sem. Fusce lobortis est non blandit tempus. Morbi :clap: gravida :clap: at :clap: dolor :clap: vel :clap: lacinia :clap:. Etiam :clap: non :clap: finibus :clap: odio :clap:. Morbi :clap: ac :clap: metus :clap: est :clap:.

Maecenas :clap: vel :clap: blandit :clap: nibh :clap:, sodales :clap: imperdiet :clap:velit :clap:. Suspendisse :clap: non :clap: sem :clap: ut :clap:tellus :clap:pharetra :clap:fermentum :clap: vel :clap: ut :clap:lorem :clap:. Sed :clap:bibendum :clap: purus :clap: nec :clap:nunc :clap:porta :clap:, mollis :clap: sagittis :clap:magna :clap:blandit :clap:. In :clap:suscipit :clap: nisl :clap: quis :clap: sem :clap:facilisis :clap:, vitae :clap: egestas :clap: eros :clap: dignissim :clap:. In :clap:mi :clap:purus :clap:, lacinia :clap:pretium :clap: lorem :clap: at :clap:, vulputate :clap: maximus :clap: lacus. :clap: Cras :clap: condimentum :clap: fringilla :clap:ex :clap:, eu :clap:fermentum :clap:turpis :clap: viverra id :clap:. Donec :clap: laoreet :clap: imperdiet :clap: risus :clap:, nec :clap: consectetur :clap: magna :clap:laoree :clap:t ac :clap:. Maecenas :clap:volutpat :clap: metus :clap: ut :clap:lacinia :clap: malesuada :clap:. Ut :clap: nec :clap: neque :clap: dolor :clap:. Aliquam :clap: eget :clap: ipsum :clap:laoree :clap:t, gravida :clap: velit :clap: ut :clap:, volutpat :clap:nis :clap:l. Vivamus :clap: commodo :clap:, ex :clap: :clap: at :clap: iaculis :clap:suscipit :clap:, eros :clap:turpis :clap: aliquam :clap: purus :clap:, nec :clap: convallis :clap: risus :clap: risus :clap: sed :clap:nisi :clap:. Sed :clap: non :clap:vestibulum :clap: eros :clap:. Sed :clap:in :clap: ligula :clap: sed :clap:ante :clap: sollicitudin :clap: interdum :clap: vitae :clap: ut :clap:ipsum:clap:.Donec :clap: eu :clap: justo :clap:justo :clap:. Nulla :clap: sodales :clap:dui :clap:auctor :clap:nibh :clap:euismod :clap: fringilla :clap:. Suspendisse :clap: tempor :clap:, ante :clap: id :clap:sollicitudin :clap: sollicitudin :clap:, felis :clap: leo :clap: tempor :clap: augue :clap:, in :clap:mollis :clap:nisi :clap: tortor :clap:sit :clap:amet :clap: leo :clap:.

The next person to do the clappy hand thing will be struck with lightning

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Moleland answer my question from before

Eevee, I am the nk

Also I swear Rogue is gonna back stab us.

Hippolytus has been smacked by the hammer of justice back into the afterlife. They were a Kitsune. Now, the sun sets, and night is upon us again!

@PokemonKidRyan @Unknown @Luxx @RopeStringFace @Ami
Please send in an action or a /noaction
(Also, sorry for the delay on both the night and sending out this, I’ve been busy lately)

The sun rises (finally), and a dead body is discovered!

Methnor has died. They were:

The Crazed King

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a new King will arise.
The Royal Finger (Day) - Your vote for today counts as 2 votes - 1 Day Cooldown
Decide Fate (Day) - You may change the result of a trial - 1 Use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player, they will not die tonight (Includes you) - 3 Uses
Watch Closely (Night) - Get someone’s exact class. - 4 Uses
Your objective is to see the Blue Dragon lose.

They left a journal:

The King is dead, and a new King may arise! Those with Royal Blood can step up. Royals have 24 hours to nominate themselves. After this point, anyone can nominate themselves if a King has not been chosen.

So huh.

I protected Strangle and no one visited him.

I was occupied and attacked lol