SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

/Vote Rogue instead then.

If that helps you feel better that is.

I’d rather get rid if the white agent

Also, @rogue see?

IDK who to vote ahaha

Luxx, you get a better victory this way
With your ability, don’t you kill the white agent anyway if you try and convert him?
You should trust me, I’m telling the truth.
I’m confirmed Artist anyway :3

As a member of the Blue Dragon, I don’t not feel an urge to lie to you.
So I shall be perfectly honest.

Pkr convert/game throwing :thinking:


I’m not asking to be converted.
I’m also not gamethrowing.

We lose if Rogue does his thing.
We lose if Rogue is voted too even.
We lose either way P-Much.

Therefore all I can do is push for Rogue to be voted.
I’m trying to make BD lose less badly :expressionless:

Actually yeah, pkr has a point

Quick Lynch rogue

/vote rogue

We managed to kill 1 corrupt member.
You guys have 3-4 members right?
That’s if I remember the faction correctly.

We lose around 5 members if Rogue’s ability goes through.
I’m doing all I can as an alive BD.
If Rogue’s voted then you guys have 4-5 members if Luxx double converts AND White Agent prevents 1 conversion.

I’d rather you gain 1-2 members than us lose around 5.
There’s a big difference there.
It’s not good either way.
It’s sorta a lose-lose situation, but I’m trying to pull every bit I can here.

But I’m not marked.
It’d honestly benefit me more if we don’t vote Rogue.

But at the same time…

Come on Luxx.
Pretty please <3
You honestly have almost nothing to lose with voting Rogue
You stand to gain 1-2 members tonight anyway.
It’s a win/win for you!

Not feeling good enough to search for it.
Probably max. 1 left if any.

I’m marked tho :frowning:

@Ashe what day even is it anymore? That’s kind of important.


^ That

I do not care who you lynch. I am neutral.

/vote Rogue.

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day 100 billion. we are in a void.

/vote rogue

I mean Bd lost Luxx is a corrupt king mole is just corrupt or corruptor so yeah it’s better to die by the corrupt then corax eating my dead body

/unvote luxx

/vote rogue

Rogue has gained enough votes, and is put on trial.

Votes on Rogue:

Votes on Moleland: