SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Welp all I will say is jammy didn’t come back and welp we lost.

The OP is not properly updated.

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/vote Luxx
We have 4 Corrupt right now. With 9 players alive…

/Vote Luxx

Our best bet right now.

/Vote Unknown

/Vote Luxx

/vote Luxx

This is the vote count (Majority is 5):
Votes on Luxx:

Votes on Unknown:

@PolikShadowbliss think carefully about which side will win and which side might fuck you over if you Vote against them :smirk:

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/vote Luxx

Luxx has been voted to trial.

And pkr continues to game throw, regardless of faction :sweat:

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I’m not gamethrowing.
I’m leading BD.
I’m surprised I wasn’t corrupted last night.

You keep telling them that :wink:



What’s so funny Orange?
Please, do explain.


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