SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

5 BD vs 4 Corrupted


If Polik was corrupted last night, it would be better for us.

@PokemonKidRyan - Assume in your plan that I might’ve resigned from my night immunity and reminding it just for a show.


I think Polik and Mole is the scum right here…

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I get promoted now. Also, I used my attack when you were busy occupying rogue instead of me :blush:

Also, you guys are aware that if a source king dies there are no more kings, right?

yeah, sure.


I understand why I would be scum.

But as of right now, I am just Neutral.

I still need two more classes.

We can help that. Help us Lynch pkr tomorrow and all is fine

Hmm. I will decide tommorrow.

It will be 4 corrupt vs 3 bd and you

As I suspected.

After this Lynch, I will be source if that helps

What are you now?


Got it.

Do me a favor and kill Jammy.

I need her class.

Jammy is dead

Oh what is her class?


Luxx has been executed! They were the Source King.

Now, the sun sets, and the night begins!