SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

He does. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a meme

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Great, so we’re going to have the meme of HE ACTUALLY KILLED THEM THE ABSOLOUTE MADMAN

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I mean… I don’t. But I already chosen someone to visit me and now I cant back it out cause of carrot.
So… #yolo

Somebody is about to get liberated… from a corn…

Who is it Eevee?
If it’s me I’m gonna be so sad

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I am claiming right now that I am a class of my making

Meaning I am super OP /s

It is night, good night you little demons.


@RopeStringFace @Sketch @eevee @Luxx @JammySplodge @PokemonKidRyan

You guys hereeee? If so send me your actions dummy!


I’ll send out night results and post the morning announcement when I come home from school ;D


Good morning demon children

RopeStringFace was found dead last night

He left no journal

He was The Duke

Slept peacefully.

I am here. So there is no need to say “Slept peacefully.”

I died.

You did?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, this is not related to this game, but Insanity has the worst luck with the Prince class XD

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