Braixen got trollboxed
There is no fool or scorned in this game.
(there’s also no trollbox in FoL, how would that even work?)
Methnor vote up rogue, he is acting range.
In all honestly my time here with FoL is coming to am end. I’ve alienated many people with my play style and I think it’s better if I just retire. I’m just tired of getting shitty classes, and just having this sigma of being a bad player. I hope people will take my place in the FoL world…
Remember, there an’t no rest for the wicked. Untill they close their eyes for good.
@Queen_Alfa if you would be a dear and modkill my slot.
Hmmm. Can we wait until everyone else checks in before accusing people?
I think that’s a request for a backup so he can drop out.
Noz Gets Corn
Tell that to the game where you defeated the cult.
Polik, I’ve had my mind made up for a while now. It would be fun to see you try to convince me to not retire
True. You are annoying at times but you have your moments.
If you wish to leave then go ahead.
Noz what are you?
We will see.
If he is the Rampaging Carrot. I am going to shoot myself.
I don’t think that’s right.
Oh god, Plex is becoming Boslof