SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

tbh I honestly suspect rogue of being Converter, and I have evidence for it.


Well one of my night actions allow me to check if a person can be converted. And I got the result that rogue can’t.

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What’s good way to neutralize neutrals at night who have night immunity?

Except Eevee here can save his bum getting killed by having someone swap and it’s not even Scorned.

@Braixen In that case, I can redeem myself before commit suicide.

He claimed neutral.

Oh Rogue, yeah…

facepalm Then why not vote him up XP!

How can Eevee swap targets? He can make people visit him, stop people from visiting him, or alert. Am I missing something?

Ill go digging for possible roles.

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That’s a lie, I want to attack him but for some reason I attacked Rope.

Dude it’s super possible that something else misdirected you, there’s like 80 different classes here I’m sure one of them can do that.

I got no night result about redirecting

How do you know you attacked rope then?

“You attacked a blue dragon!”

I thought EEvee said he could get someone to kill the king though further up :thinking:


The Sentinel
Blue Dragon Killer
Elite training (Passive) - Immune to death once
Stand guard (Night) - everyone who attempts to visit your target will visit you instead. You will know everyone who tried to visit your target - infinite uses
Retaliation (Night) - Kill someone who voted ‘execute’ on a member of the blue dragon the previous day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Artist
Blue Dragon Investigative
Hard At Work (Passive) - Immune To Occupation
Paint Splash (Day) - Splash Paint in a player’s face preventing a player from doing anything tonight. - 3 uses
Canvas of the Night (Night) - Paint a Canvas of a player, You will see the actions that occurred on that player last night. Excluding conversion. - Unlimited Uses
Dip of Paint (Night) - Paint A player’s door like another’s confusing anyone that visits them (Aka swap targets) - 2 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Bard
Blue Dragon Investigative
Inspiration (Passive) - If occupied at night Bard’s speech will contain tiny musical symbols at the start and finish for that entire day
Fate or fiction (Day) - Target one player and input a 4 letter word. Should the player speak that word during the day they will instantly say their class out loud. - 1 use
Tale of love (Night) - Choose two players, This night those players will occupy each other unless one is a killing class at which point the killer will attack the other chosen player with their relevant conditions. - infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the evil faction and any Neutrals who stand against you

Neutral wildcard
Artistic (Passive) - Despite not being a killer, you have access to death notes.
Plagiarism (Night) - Copy someone’s Death Note. If your target has no death note for you to steal, you’ll receive a message telling you so. - 4 uses
Self-advertisement (Night) - If your target is killed tonight, you will replace the killer’s death note with your own. Works on any death that occurs at night, excluding suicide. - unlimited use
Bribe (Day) - Make the selected person target someone of your choosing tonight. Won’t work if the selected person uses an ability that targets no-one. Also, won’t work if either target dies that day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Successfully replace 2 death notes. Live to the end.

The Director
Neutral Offensive
Focused (Passive) - Immune to Occupation.
Micromanage (Day) - Force a player to vote to execute or pardon on a current vote. They will be locked into this choice. - 2 uses
Redirect (Night) - Control a player, causing them to target another with their chosen night ability. There will be no effect if the ability they were using can’t be used on that target, or they didn’t use an ability. - Infinite uses
Bait and Switch (Night) - All players who visit you tonight will have their chosen night ability redirected to a target player. - 2 uses
Your objective is to kill 3 people by using and survive

The Freak
Neutral Offensive
Decaying Body (Passive) - Your body is frail and weak but with dark magic, your body will be reformed. You are immune to death at night.
Rotten Flesh (Passive) - You cannot step up to be King as the Royals at Court will notice your rotting flesh.
Bad Blood (Night) - Select two targets. If one of them has Royal Blood, you will swap it with the other. -3 uses - no self-target
Grave-rob (Night) - Select a dead target that has Royal Blood and a living target. You will transfer their Royal Blood to the living target. - Infinite uses - can’t use on the same dead target twice
Demise (Day) - If you are attacked tonight, you will bring them down with you. - 2 uses
Your objective is to See the Blue Dragon’s demise.

For Changing targets

Yeah see it’s probably Artist.
Those other two don’t fit but Artist’s Dip of Paint does.

Actually Tale of Love might fit too

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Added more also I found a broken class XP!

The Fright
Neutral wildcard
Too Scary to be Busy (Passive) - Occupation Immune.
Fearful Trial (Day) - Your name will be changed into Fright and no one will be able to talk except you that day, and there won’t be a trial; since everyone is too frightened to vote. - 1 use
Frighten (Night) - Target player will be too frightened to talk at the other day. - 3 uses
Cower in (Night) - Cower in target’s room; being able to see target’s room for the rest of the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Survive

You can’t do the Cower in ability in sfol XP

Amazing!! Of course!!!