SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

So Eevee is Director?

Anyone could be any one of those classes and caused you to switch. Who the flip knows? It’s chaos.

Guess. What. I. Already. Softclaimed. I. Hardclaim. Thief. I. Dont. Need. To. Be. Lynched.

Oh-- Also, stop pushing me.


That was quick.

We didn’t even vote you pal.

I already Softclaimed and my class is not a threat so there is no reason to kill me.

None of us were killing you.

Braixen was pushing me.


See any votes?

That’s what has got me sus of Braixen. You don’t really push someone and not vote…

Eevee: Frostwolf103 PokemonKidRyan Ashe Rogue Wolfy Methnor PolikShadowbliss (7 votes)

NuclearBurrito have unvoted this.

The reason for this accusation stands that Eevee causes either redirecting my killing power to RopeStringFace or even used bait and switch on him and Eevee himself.

I hold no responsibility for Rope’s death, that was indirectly. What is directly that Eevee caused this!

/vote Eevee

Seeing what happens to the player.

Ok, someone occupied me

I don’t have anything fun to add, just enjoying the chaos as promised by Alfa.

/voote eeeeeeveeeeee


Oh right. The corn.

/Vote Eevee

Yea, vote neutral who promised to hunt scum and is able to kill them.

Ignore second neutral claim who just steals journals from people.

I actually laugh from people in thread rn.

/vote Alfa

@Queen_Alfa wake up :stuck_out_tongue: