SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

@PokemonKidRyan But it is over 24h already ._.

In fact this trial goes on for 48h already.

You will be stuck here forever and ever.


60h long trials are fun



Eevee is off the stand :3


This day has lasted 4 real days and we only have 400 comments with no substance. I’m over it.

/no lynch

I agree.

/no lynch

That works I guess.
/no lynch

/no lunch

/No lynch

Well I’m off cryin in my own room, I might still able to get life to take away but I doubt I will live to see the day.


**/no lynch **

/vote @PolikShadowbliss

Come and participate.
Your only comments today were like

“/vote” “I agree”

Trying to blend in (voting in the midle of wagon, agreeing with people without own conclusions ect.) and do nothing of any importance. Not even trying to look at people’s actions and talk to them.

The reason why I have not joined the discussion is because either my opinions have already been expressed by a later palyer or I have nothing to say.

Generally how I play.

Why are people getting on you? People shouldn’t accuse people of being scum without a lead!

Silence and not saying much.

Basically my normal playstyle.

I doubt we can get anything but a nolynch, but there are a few things we should discuss…

For example, I notice that PKR and Moleland are being a lot less active than I’ve seen them in previous games. And PKR suddenly gaining Survivorphobia is very weird…

You what?