SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Also Polik is a Carrot.
Rogue should probably occupy him.

Oh nevermind I ISO’d wrong, it’s not him.
Didn’t we have someone who’s a carrot though?

Luxx or insanity claimed that?

I can no longer remember

Luxx claimed Artist.
Eevee got his day ability disabled day 1 with the Carrot’s ability though so we definitely have one.

Since when I claim carrot?

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Oh hey, night…


Yes yes I’m alive, I need to read everything and then I’ll do stuff


Morning, people died, that’s all you need to know.

My wolfy son Ryan died last night, he was The Disturbed. He left no journal

Frostwolf died last night, he was The Archer. He left a journal

Mole died as well, he was The Protector He left no journal


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Oh fuck my life.

And can someone find what does this thing mean?

Oh… cool

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@Luxx - explain to me what does “day special” mean for Corn, cause I can’t understand Alfa’s explanation.

I blame Frostwolf for saying they will be suiciding.

Oh crap, we have to find this Witch.

Great, a Bomber…

Just what we needed.

Slept peacefully

Slept peacefully btw