SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I’m sorry ;^;

( I’ll whack Fade if you whack Wolfy)

(Sure, I can’t roll a worse class surely.)

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I can only roll worse classes xD

I can only roll shitty ass scum class that a certian person made, Also I remember I partispated the that NK contest thing, Imma pull up my thing

I’ll leave the votes till tomorrow, then I’ll do stuff

Maybe my next Occupy immune class will be occupy immune :thinking:

Let’s reroll this.


I can see one of her mistakes tbh XP


Can I post my class now?

It isn’t confirmed that it’s a reroll.

Nah, let’s reroll this.

Icibalus was supposed to be dead and you’re all supposed to know what class I am as it was to be announced at the beginning of this day.

I totally am not blaming @Queen_Alfa for this either…not only was she busy, but these classes are really fucky.

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I sadly cannot study indepth every class

Who cares about mistakes? It’s chaos!

Wait what’s happening? Sorry, let me read up on why I should be dead…

I say we get the summoner out of here first.

If we have one.

Well who is the priorty

Read the last 20 or so posts