SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Looks like your joining me too.


Look what we got here…

Someone who doesn’t wanna have fun!


I just realized that there is no Prince (I think) and a possibility for 2 different kidnapper classes that work almost the same.

Will there be a Prince?

The only game where it is best to roll scum

Good fucking luck to whoever rolls Prince in this game

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God dammit.


Day discussions are going to be a shitshow lol


That makes a change! You never win! :stuck_out_tongue:
You’re not going to anyway.
If you’re against me, with you as scum as usual, that is.

I noticed you used my Basterd class. You don’t have Private matter on the class card. Is there any particular reason? Most reviews of the role said they liked the day ability but not the night ability.

PS: if your going to have it like that then you should probably make it an invest class type. Without the day ability it only has an invest ability and no social abilities.

I quit because I realized a lot of my classes suggestions made it in

and they weren’t very good

also I am already in 3 forum matches

Rejoin or face the consequences.

Trust me. They will be dire.


okay I will rejoin, just need to leave the other ones



Holy shit you guys, we’re filled (Plus an extra players) Unlike other SFoLs I will not be accepting backups, if someone else joins they’ll be given a class and encouraged to join ;D

If you’re afk sorry bro, gunna kill you ;3

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sooo… Is there going to be a prince or not? And what about my other question?

Alfa-- when will cards be sent out? I will have the internet off later tomorrow through late Sunday or Monday


actually, would it be okay if i just sorta spectated?
I’d kinda like to start hosting, and the way to start hosting is to start co-hosting, but i dont quite trust myself with that kind of power just yet