SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Maybe I haven’t falsified, Maybe it is real.

That wont change the fact that we will think it is falsified. There is no good reason to give someone who is unconfirmed a real sword. It would simply be asking for trouble. You could get the same information by just giving someone a fake sword but with less risk. Ergo: you will falsify any swords you give tonight.

because you’re faking it and are actually scum?

Jammy, I’m not a fucking idiot. WHY WOULD SCUM CLAIM QUARTERMASTER?

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Cuz technically…

Noz need to be policy lynched at D2.

Sighs These people never change, do they?


If, I was scum. I would pick a class I could fake. Not the fucking quartermaster who hands out free stuff.

Wait a sec… Didn’t you say it was 1 million GP per item!?

Uhm, I’m being nice and giving them a totally real sword :wink:

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Insanity whatchu say boi?


My soul possessed it.

/vote Insanity


Because clearly the hosts lied when they said that there are no official classes

I mean…

@Ami if you think I’m scum for asking bluntly for a sword, you are wrong.

I said I ahve a reason for asking for sword, cause I do have a reason. That’s all.

Better strategy than giving swords Night 1

So basically, I have to be your bitch and do what you say, because I’m a stupid person who doesn’t know how to to play FoL. Oh wise Jammy, What should I do instead? (The sarcasm is real here folks)

Give someone a fucking shield I thought I was making it blatantly obvious what my thoughts on the matter were