SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I agree with jammy

Sighs I’m giving eevee a sword, nothing will change that. I want to see what they do with it. Also Jammy you are acting like you don’t want people to have swords, Whats up with that? /Fos Jammy

Most BD would not want people to have swords. It would make much more sense to let people save others rather than kill them.

Remember I can make things falseified?

Why not just give someone a real shield?

If so, I wish I could take back day abilies :wink:

okay let’s assume we have 4 neutrals, who are all bad, and 2 evil faction members

you have a 3 in 10 chance of giving a sword to a baddo

even if you give a sword to a goodo they only have a 6/19 chance of hitting a baddo

meaning the odds are:
bad kills bad - 15/190
bad kills good - 42/190
good kills bad - 42/190
good kills good - 91/290

Meaning the chance this sword kills a BD is 133/190 which is 70%

save yer goddamn swords

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Say, doesn’t the Gunsmith in EM has that sword mechanic, but they can’t make it fake

EpicMafia is a pile of shit

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That class doesn’t give people guns willy nilly

Sure seems like it in EM, because the people there are shit

I made the Quartermaster

the aim was to give swords to confirmed BD or people you trust

Not to give a sword to the first random fucker on Day 1 who says they want one

this isn’t fucking EpicMafia

Soo… I can’t do my on strategy?

That is correct!

Your strategy is mathematically a bad idea


Yes but now everyone knows that the sword will do nothing. The ability will thus give you no information


I fucking blame Jammy, I wanted to make eevee think the sword was real, so I could see who she is sus of