SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Noz I would like a real sword because I have rats in my basement and need a sword to ratsterminate them and for no other reason whatsoever.
Also for people who can’t read between the lines this means I don’t have a killer ability, leave me alone :frowning:

ah yes the “blame everyone except myself” method

N1? Just give someone a shield ffs

Maybe, your sounding like a stuck up prick.

Oh so am I not allowed to have opinions or am I supposed to lie back while strong and relatable Nozbugz takes the wheel and dictates the entire fucking game

Wow Jammy, that isn’t what I said at all, I suck at leading town. I’m trying to gather info with my fucking abilities, so I can help BD. I fucking believe in freedom of speech, so you are entitled to your fucking views , doesn’t mean I have to like them though

Plot twist. Noz is actually a converter who will convert the person who he “gives the sword” to

part of me thinks that might be the case tbh

I don’t have exp as scum in FoL, why would I try such a ballsy move, this early?

I don’t actualy believe that. If you really were that then you would claim to give someone a shield. You can always say you falsified it later if the person they were “guarding” dies. You didn’t do that thought so you probably are not the converter

I’m not that bad at scumreading tho

Not sure why would anyone think I’m scum asking for a sword here, but oh well.

Also that math is based on random chance.

It’s okay, I’ll protect you from the Jammy, I might even give you more than a sword :wink: :wink: :wink:

Ohhhh, shields can protect others, not only yourself.

Screw that, give me shield as well.

:wink: Not a sheild :wink: :wink:



Noz, the point is, people need to exchange theirs night action to use your items.

You can make someone lose their night action via falsified item, lmao.

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Also, screw everyone if you didn’t think wich role I’m softclaiming all the time.

nobody is infallible