SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Luckily for us the White Agent can test that

Anyways, the issue is only half of the possible investigative classes can do anything to find the Witch

And we don’t even know how many of those we have

From a quick look at the BD class list, the ones that seem like they can help are: Dreamcatcher, Pathologist, Spy, Fortune Teller, and Diplomat, plus killers and ones like Quartermaster that can give people attacks.
There’re probably some Neutrals that could help too and it’d be in their best interest to do so.
Alot of this involves attacking random people though which I don’t know how much I like, but it might be the price that needs to be paid so that the entire castle doesn’t die.

It’s not confirmed that we don’t have multiball.

It’s not 100% confirmed scum converted king, but likely anyway.

Noz is confirmed not witch as well.

And even if I was scum, I would have no reason to lie about quatermaster thing, when having witch in castle.

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And yes, essentialy what I want to do - use swords on scummy people, hopping to remove some suspicious one or/and hit witch in process.

We are not EVER no-lynching. The less people alive, the easier it is to find scum.

Eevee you did claim that you have nothing to do at night.
You know who else has nothing to do at night? The Witch. :thinking:

Well, true.
Do you think I behave like one tho?

Not sure, but asking for swords could also be so that nobody else has a sword and thus is less likely to hit you and find out your night immunity if you’re the Witch.

I will tell you that I’m night immune anyway.

Tho you should notice it after all my softs I did.

So, if I read it correctly…
3 nights, and on dawn of the 4th day everyone dies except the Witch?

So we have 2 nights for investigatives to work, and 3 for killings to hit people (and pierce immunities the 3rd night)?

^ yes

Nah not yet

While also having to deal with an evil faction and neutral killers?
Or was Kitsune the only NK?

Sooo pretty much we’re screwed?

^ yes

Except we saw worse crisises averted.

Who is the main enemy?

You mean the evil faction? It’s The Corrupt so someone is also the White Agent which is their hardcounter, but he can’t discover the Witch that’s going to blow up everyone in a few days.

For some reason you all look at the corpses again

And you notice a dark mark has formed on the forehead of the corpse of Icibalus!

(Sorry for lateness)

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We have a Summoner too?