SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)


Not witch*

Oh my god I am not awake enough to type today xD

That’s what that means for now

If any NK attacks one of us instead of trying to find the Witch they’re an idiot

oh yeah him too yay

That’s true^

That’s 4/16

Not half bad for D1

Also that moment when eevee has low-key softed Witch this whole time lol


^ I did

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Wouldn’t expect anything else tbh

This is why I’m wking you

I said it earlier too

@orangeandblack5 I have to tell something tho.

Your reading skills are REALLY bad this game.
I mean… I don’t agree with even a single push you did so far in the game.

The Meth thing is excusable if you don’t forget he’s confirmed

The other was Luxx being weird and then being weirder post-rt

I still dislike the slot

And I dislike your pushes.

I’m playing this like I’d play ToL, which I guess why my plays seem a little weird and off /:

Look, you so far pushed a king and BD invest (well, I think that they are really BD invest).

I pushed a neutral :^)

That second one isn’t confirmed

That first one was him being a dummy and me reacting to that as a dummy who forgot who he is

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Yep, cause there is nothing better than two dummies accusing each other.



Unknown / Wolfy / Jammy are next on my list.

Any preferences who should go next?