SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Hvorfor snakker dere i merkelige språk for ingen grunn???
(Why are you talking in weird languages for no good reason)

Just vote wolfy or else I will kill him.

Я буду голосовать за Вольфа, когда умру! Ты, Оселхед!
(I will vote Wolfy when I die. You Donkeyhead!)

Потому что мы можем Luxx
(Because we can Luxx)

You have 2 choices my friend either let him die a quick and painless death or a slow and painful one.

Ты, сука, дует! Я никогда не буду голосовать за него!
(You bitch Strangle! I will never vote him!

I promise you I will kill him.

This is getting old, Noz I know you are confirmed BD but shit dude you’re acting like you want to distract everyone from the problem and the problem is there is a witch, 2-3 Neutral Killers remaining, AND Corrupt

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Кто хочет меч убить Удушение?
(Who wants a sword to kill strangle?)

Okay, I’ve had my fun. I’m done now.

I won’t kill you for now since your BD but I will kill Wolfy happily with suspicon on him.

I’m actually sus of Strangle right now. He said Wolfy will die a slow horrible death, yet the witch does that to all of us. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Hold on, do they? I thought the corrupt faction Yale no idea who the source is

You think of that?

Նոզ, պարզապես քվեարկեք գայլի համար: Դուք կարող եք դրանք վերացնել, եթե դրանք ապացուցեն վստահելի:

(Noz, just vote for Wolfy. You can unvote them if they prove to be trustworthy.)

I will kill him tonight if he won’t die today and stab his heart and tear it to pieces unless his suspicon is removed with proper evidence.

/vote Strangle Okay, I think he’s softing a NK

Hmm. You have a point. I thought they knew who the Source is but don’t have a night chat with them, but it’s possible the Source and the Corrupter don’t even know who each other are.

Is that no cause not or can someone 100% confirm Wolfy as not-witch/not-source?