SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

For one, proving that Strangle really is the Herald if he was the one that gave Nuclear the sword that killed the Kitsune.

I would not make up the results. The coroner has r=the ability where they have the three names that appear on the person the investigate. Two are random while the third one is the truth. Therefore, if Nuclear did kill the Kitsune if I was to investigate them, the Strangle will be confirmed BD.

But, isn’t it possible that Nuclear, might show up on the lists, but secretly someone else killed them?
In that case it’d harm us a lot more.

That is true, but since Strangle is the one that said that he was the one that gave the sword to Nuclear that then killed the Kitsune, then that will still show us that the Herald is in play. It is a probability that he may be laying, but wouldn’t you rather wish to know whether Nuclear is actually telling the truth and not just claiming for the sake of claiming when many others claimed.

This should be Strangle since Nuclears dead…

I would of course wish to know whether he’s telling the truth.
But, despite what you’re saying, there’s no evidence which clears you at this time.
So I have got no reason to fully trust you here.
We’re looking for the witch, we don’t need to know the attackers.
Coroner is great when we don’t have a timer to screw us over.

Plus our NKs mark their targets lol

Again, true that there is a timer against us right now and Coroner might not be “useful” in this case to determine who the Witch is. However, with the Coronor, it allows me to determine if a player is telling the truth. Therefore, if Nuclear did not kill the Kitsune, then it means that the Kitsune was killed by another element that we do not yet know about. This therefore gives me the results of whether or not that a person is therefore lying about their class and it turns out that they are the hidden element that we have been searching for.

That has nothing to do with my ability. I am only able to determine who the killers are and not the cause of death.

@PokemonKidRyan how is that you were against Wolfy’s lynch yet now you are pushing him as nothing useful?

He hadn’t claimed before had he?
Maybe you should pay attention to my reasoning instead of trying to weakly suspect me for nothing?

I say that this is a lynch we might have to make.



Sorry mate, I don’t want to think you’re evil but we need to start somewhere.
Especially when this is a “I can confirm tomorrow” class. It’s very suspicious.

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And if he is the coronor?

I hate to point this out Luxx.
But aren’t there classes which are like that in the normal game?
I believe there are and therefore, it seems to me that you should consider things a bit more carefully.
Instead of doing what you currently are doing which is mildly jumping to conclusions.

We won’t have time to get anyone else up.
We could be wrong, but there’s also the chance we actually get a Corrupt, Neutral, Neutral Killer or Witch killed from this.

It’s possible this is wrong, however, I’m just not sure.
Do we want to mis-execute here?
We only have a couple of days to hit this correctly or else we lose.


I think we all need to discuss this.
We have less than 24 hours.
However, Coroner can be useful once we’ve gotten rid of witch.
It could give us a victory which we otherwise wouldn’t have.

I agree.

The coroner is definitely useful.