SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I’m still mad at Braixen. If they wanted yoloshot, theu could shoot person from PoE.

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We should utilize Polik today to try and confirm somebody’s claim. Who do you guys think it should be?

Anyway, we have 3-4 evils among those 9 people above.

Polik is confirmed Archivist, you can take him off the list.

I had plan to do it, but not to mention it until we will be going to do so tbh.

3-4 among 8?
I like it.

@Braixen - did you attack director n1?
@PokemonKidRyan - your actions so far please.
@Ami - confirm I used a sword and that you gave me fake one N1, or person I attacked ia immune.

@Ashe @Queen_Alfa - what’s the mayority?

How many of how many voters?
(Kinda important cause tells us if Casanova used Quiet Down last night)


@Methnor should be checked by White Agent if noone confirmable claims occupy on him. That could be source king occupied by Casanova. Tho I rather believe orange tried to occupy me to confirm himself and it triggered as I used the sword.

Unknown already occupied and used Great Cleansing on me last night.

You think it was them?

Oh well, even better. Now you are confirmed, wich means we have 3 Night Immune BD to work with.

U said he is occupied?

I’m 99% sure that White Agent is the only class here that can occupy the King.

No, I said he occupied me.

Unknown even said it himself, he occupied and Cleansing’d me because the Source King can utterly wreck people if left unchecked even one night with his guaranteed kill, so he wanted to occupy me and eliminate that possibility before I could use that ability to guaranteed kill him (if I was the Source King, which it’s been now proven that I’m not).


I assumed it was summoner at first, too. I only thought differently when orange challenged it.

@PokemonKidRyan Don’t claim and we get prince to execute you claim now

no prince you lemon

shhh he doesn’t know that

PKR Please put your results or my sword is waiting for you .