SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

It’s same as occupy and cam be earliest confirmed on next day tho. Can’t it?

PKR play is literaly example of very bad scum game.

Still not sure if it comes from scum or town.

I’m also not sure if source would target same person twice instead of someone new to learn about theors class.

I would think it would leave feedback, right?


Let me ask. Are you summoner?

As I said, summoner is not a priority at all, as it only kills marked targets and scum can be marked as well as town.

If you say you are not, I would be rather insisting to check it via Polik archive.

In the night tho.

I hopped they already sprayed paint tbh.

Also mayority 8 means that orange didn’t silence anyone. It’s good.

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What do you think is the priority at the moment, then, eevee?

Orange, stahp liking my posts. It gives me info wich Is houldnt have.

Or at least like irrelevant posts, like that one.



a) If any of you claim summoner now, I promise and probably I can make Methnor promise that we won’t lynch you, as summoner can win with BD, so as long as you complete ritual after we will eliminate corrupted, you will get a free pass.
b) Can any of you confirm themself via actions you already did, or via actions you can make?

Like even if we won’t count summoner, cause I really would like to cooperate with them, like 3 of this 8 is evil.
If we are able to narrow it down even more - it’s easy way to eliminate corrupted.

@Methnor - now, don’t be stupid and promise to poor Summoner that he is not a priority and won’t be lynched today, even if he is in this 8.

If they write who their targets are and promise not to start the ritual until we’ve narrowed down more evils, then fine, I agree to it.

I actually don’t mind them starting rituals early, if we eliminate source first.

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I absolutely mind it because there are already 3 dead people with marks on them, which very much increases the chance that I’ll be killed by the Big Bad Evil they summon.
Once we find the Source, we can talk more.

Pretty much, have any of you visited Luxx?
If so, then you’re converter or I’m lying. (It’s the first)
So, I get confirmed when everyone denies visiting Luxx.

I actually cam choose when to activate the full out ritual. @eevee @Methnor

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Rogue, help us out and we’ll help you out. I don’t want you to summon the Big Bad too early.

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Since you only need to summon him to win I ask that you delay it as long as is reasonable.

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Ok. I can only activate it by sacrificing my life anyway

I know, but I’d rather you not do that the moment you’re able to, the fact that I’m a target makes the ritual going off a major liability.