SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

He’s probably just kidding about being a killer. And if he isn’t then he can say he is.

Lol why would I do something like this if I was neutral killing.

Why would you claim NK though?
It’s illogical unless he’s like Fool?

That means you can’t pierce immunity unless you’re the Executive thingy?

Because if you aren’t NK or other scum then you can’t do something like this.

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Well Kidnapper? Idk what it’s called anymore. Loads of factions

Hint: Neutral Offensive

I was about to say, eevee could have been softing archer

Eevee are you a Corn?

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And here we have a bingo.

Infinitive shot veteran/pgo with ability to redirect people to me.

Lol,I Fucking hate you


Are you going to kill me because I guessed correctly? Or does that give me brownie (cornie?) points?

The redirect doesn’t work on king. Redirects never work on people that are occupy immune

“guessed” is probably too strong a word with the hint you gave

^ Like that was serious.
Im gonna hunt scum for fun here. Not like anyone can kill me at night, lmao.

Oh wow, Eevee’s the corn? That’s pretty funny tbh.
But this can really hard BD too.
Eevee, why should we think you’re not going to harm us?

Well, like I said, I can prove myself as BD. But if I do it right now, everyone else is going to hate the shit out of me, so I’d rather wait until tomorrow.

(game time)

Tell this to pkr who redirected my guard, when I was king in one FoL.


Still sorry about that.
I was told to by my fellow cultists!
I didn’t plan on doing that