SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I’m confirmed Artist.
I’d rather us vote Rogue asap
We can go for our other leads after.
1 more conversion > Closer to most of BD being eradicated by Rogue

Insanity proven by Archivist yesterday.

Insanity is Sentinel.

Right, I totally gapped that. Okay.

Useless. Not everyone is marked yet.
And summoner needs 1 more night to ignite after marking everyone anyway.
Better to get rid of Kitsune/Corrupted.

I agree I suppose.
However, may I ask.
Do we know how many are marked?

Like 5 at least, probably 6.

you what m8


We lacked 3 people yesterday You, Mole, Rope.

1 more was marked last night, I suppose you, so Rope and Mole needs to be marked (?)

Hey I was making a list of things that are confirmed beyond a doubt, it had to be added.

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Correct on Moleland as Volounteer. RIP.

So that get’s us to more or less that:

Moleland - Source
Luxx - Coruptor
Hippo - Kitsune

We were lynching Luxx were we not?

Source and arguably Kitsune are higher priority.

Especially that Unown didn’t say yet if he still has greater cleansing

Oh btw.

PKR visited you :slight_smile:

But since I stand guard…

It was redirected to me.

I was marked first night.

That would explain the sword swap… uhhh…

By the way Methnor. What was your starting class if I may ask?

No wait, that does not explain sword swap if it was redirected.