SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

The Source undoubtedly revived Hippo, there’s no Priest in this game.

I think the priority list should be Kitsune -> Source -> converted person -> Corruptor


I do agree with Meth here, I have to admit.

That would result in 2 unique classes alive, so I guess it’s out of question as well.

We can ask Alfa about it if someone is bothered.

The King told me and Moleland the source that you were the Corruptor and he wouldn’t lie to the source.

@Queen_Alfa can Mimic become a copy of a Unique class?
I doubt it can, but might as well ask.

How did king tell you then?

Uhm… Source doesn’t speak with Corrupted, right?
Does other Corrupted even know who is source?

Good luck finding the converted person it can literally be anyone.


It could even be a boat!
Also we have a White Agent alive.

The dead corrupt king knew the Corruptor obviously, and told the dead chat so source knows. Source was also in dead chat so that’s how I know.

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couldn’t be trusted.

If eevee wins do I win with them like SK’s in ToS or will it be a solo win?

Then, why would you not be Kitsune?

Cause person killed by mimic can’t be revived and Hippo was revived?

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Vote Luxx. I think that all is just a tryhard by the Corrupt to stop us from lynching the source

I wasn’t revived by Priest m8. Source can revive any class barring White Agent and Corruptor

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Whatever, let’s vote up Hippo already, he’s expressed a threat to my person, we can figure out more shit based on who dies tomorrow if anyone.

Again technically they can’t be revived by a Priest and Hippo was revived by the Source, I wouldn’t put it past Chaos to be able to do something like this.

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That’s a lie.
They can be revived, but not by the Priest.
As I said, we have the corrupt person who revives the dead and makes them join their ranks.

As I said, ask Alfa about the revive thing.