SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Are you informed if you are marked by summoner when alive?


I was marked I still have this feeling to get rogue on the stand.

We’re working with Rogue, he gave us his target list. I believe he only has PKR left to mark.
Rogue again I highly suggest you don’t ignite until I tell you to.

What if he does?

I’ll be fucking pissed that’s what.
We could’ve lynched him ever since he outed himself as Summoner but we didn’t because we agreed to work together.

Yeah, we’re getting you probably.
So please, don’t even try :expressionless:

Lol I knew I was getting hung today the Source just brought me back to waste a lynch.

Also I have changed my bet about who was converted from PKR to Strangle. Getting an extra Killer in Corrupt is v good. I’ll be interested to see who Insanity chose.

/Vote Hip

/vote Hippo

/vote Hippo

/vote Hippo if I didn’t yet

@PokemonKidRyan - Paint splash Luxx.

Also, converting Herald would be… ehhh move. They do nothing except being confirmed BD.
I’m more scared of King/Quatermaster conversion tbh.

Yeah but if King was converted this would be the day to make the play tbh. If King was converted, including myself and the 2 Neutrals, corrupt would have half the board so if they just claimed and convinced the neutrals no one would be hung.

Then tomorrow at least one BD would be dead and they would have majority, again with the help of myself and the 2 neutrals, and could start hanging ppl. So I doubt it is Methnor.

And Noz is…Noz.

I’m literally confirmed Quatermaster

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/Vote Meth

Well yea, Noz is Noz.

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The Lord of Fools. Transsgender King! IT IS I, NOZBUGZ!

The OP not being updated for living players is tilting me.