SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Wait a sec.

No, I can’t.
But, I know what to do tonight

What? But I killed the kitsune once with it so how did Luxx survive?

PKR that’s conversion/killing ability.

Either converts or kills 2 people per night.

So did she try converting one of us…

Nah, probably she tried to convert me and kill Pathologist tbh.

So she ended up corrupting herself even more then required XD.

@Queen_Alfa if I redirected a kill to a night Immune person and that night Immune person had a sword.
Would it kill them?
Even if the attacker was themselves?

PKR the Ultimate White Agent.
I protected someone :3

Or no wait.

Actually this ability targets 2 people. Converts if cap of corrupted isn’t reached and kills if it is. Not sure if there is actually a way of chosing wich one is converted.

What kind of sword? :3

@Queen_Alfa - who is deciding if Source’s King ability is corrupting or killing?

But do they have the max cap for corrupt that’s the question.

The kill the attacker one from Herald?

rng cause that’s fun

then yes, yes it would

So did she corrupt…


A gives a sword to C
B attacks A and C
D swaps C and B

This causes sword to go to B
But B attacks themselves and A.
Would B die, even if NI

Pretty sure the sword goes through night immunity so yea?

So Luxx didn’t kill?