SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I agree… my jokes are sooooo corny.

Sadly you can’t join.
You have scum to kill.
We have time to kill :wink:

What about mehh…

What Im eating right now.


Wait why does someone want me dead???

@eevee please don’t kill Luxx.
Their death notes are too good to kill off!


I’m Mother of Corn, Drawer of Deathnotes and whatever title you could give me to make me seem more impressive
I don’t deserve death!

Wait who claims to be Corn, they’re automatically my new best friend.


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You’re my new best friend don’t kill me I’m your mother.

Not to derail this thread from the lovely Cornacity but Eevee what’s going on with Blender?

Im eating. Its hard to send results when eating

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@Luxx make me a death note please.


But what about the cute wolf sona I asked you to draw of me with my colours. :crying_cat_face:

Yeah! What about the Wolves?

I’m sorry but I have a very busy schedule involving school and apples I forget things easily ;(

Also no can do my child, I think it’d be illegal for me to send you a death note for you to post.
Had I just gotten my other child as a class… Then I’d be able to help you out

(NoBODY knoooows the trouble I’ve seeeeen)

Praise Cornmother.

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