SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Holy guacamole…

Jk <3

What the fuck, Alfa :sweat_smile:

Not even sure I want to play this game. Maybe I’ll just watch.

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May RNG god bless me
Is it the Physical Representative of Fade’s Annoyance…

I shouldn’t continue.


No, you shouldn’t.

I think you should

Dragged to be executed

No! I am innocent! Believe me!


Make that a class and I’ll fuckin add it

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Rampaging Carrot Neutral Killer

Passive: Will be eaten one part if occupied, carrot have 3 part.

Passive 2: Due to being a plant, you can’t do anything at day and immune to death at night, as people didn’t seen carrot as a threat, and you can’t be voted up as carrot.

Day ability: Put the carrot into someone’s mouth, preventing them to do any day ability. (Infinity uses)

Night ability 1: Put your explosive carrot to your target and everyone who visit your target. (Infinity uses) They will be notified about the explosive carrot.

Night ability 2: Detonate all your explosive carrot, killing them and people who visited them. Can be used after Day 3.

Goal: Kill all the people who go against you.

I want you to actually fucking add this.



We have the first official Upick class everyone!

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Seriously though is this class offically in the game?

It could roll

Wait, it’s official!? Holy shit!

I indirectly created a class!

I already have an anti-carrot strategy x)
1: Try voting everyone up. The one the fails is the carrot.
2: Prince executes them.