SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)


If you attacked a BD then you didn’t attack him or that he is BD. This means he probably wasn’t attacked

I should probably mention that abstaining is the most suspicious thing you can do right now

My result say “You attacked a Blue Dragon” This means two things:

The death of RopeStringFace wasn’t done by me and thus my attack on Eevee matches with my result meaning he got healed, because I activated the ability that allow me to bypass night immunity.


Eevee used bait and switch on RopeStringFace and because of that, Rope got attacked instead of Eevee.

However the latter is actually not possible, because I got no notification that targets were changed I tell you. Either Eevee got healed or mod made mistake since Eevee is suppose to be dead and I activated my day ability IMMEDIATELY before the night begins, allow me to bypass Night Immunity on Eevee. So he has to be healed.


To answer this question: Yes I did attack him, but he got healed and since Eevee didn’t die I suppose I won’t die out of suicide yet.

JUST think which class I got.

Uhm… Why would you try to kill a person wich can either:

A) Kill you when you visit them
B) Nullify all visits to them

The heck

Why would you think I was being healed if I claimed a role wich can kill everyone who visits me?

No, let me sum this up.


  1. You claim to attack a role wich can:
    a) Go on “Alert” killing all visitors and being UNKILLABLE (not night immune. UNKILLABLE) that night. Literaly meaning that you would suicide if you visit me, and I would survive.
    b) Nullify all visits to me, literaly meaning that you would do nothing that night.

  2. You got “Blue Dragon” result and proceed to vote them.

  3. You think a healer would go to a person wich can kill them or nullify a visit (point 1).

  4. You claim that I could bait and switch when there is no possibility that scorned is in the game.

I mean, sorry, I wasn’t attacked and I wasn’t healed.
Also, your action claim is so bad that I believe it, cause no scum would claim something so literaly bad.

But seriously Frost, why the f… would you even try to attack me, wasting an actiona t best and risking suicide at worst?

Like even Alfa actually slipped that there are vegetables in the game, wich could connect to Corn claim and carroted claim. The action you chosed are so straight bad…

Straight bad you claim Neutral and ‘scumhunting’?

Well since you didn’t claim you got attacked and I got no notification my target got changed.



/exe :corn: ut :carrot:

Eevee is correct, Frostwolf made a dumb night action


Dumb night decision isn’t good.
Neutral who can kill a lot of people is worse


I’d like some more people to check in.

@Moleland, for example.

Read 4 messages up XD

This wagon is predicated on the fact that nothing weird happened. In Chaos. I think it’s infinitely more likely Frostwolf got some sort of Mind Warp’d and wasn’t even the one that killed Rope, or otherwise changed his target, that had nothing to do with Eevee.


Though eevee is a survivor, I think we can safely give him a chance.
If he does anything that harms BD we execute him as soon as possible.


Eevee isn’t a threat in a game like Chaos. Plus, Frost’s story sounds odd and something doesn’t add up.

Isn’t it werid how Frost hasn’t actually fully claimed Archer yet?

And I presume they intend to claim archer…

Who never voted but did talk? Can someone make a list of those people?