SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

Whoa! Why you Eevee?
Why can’t I get the sword?

Because, I want to see what Eevee does with it

Me, I read each and Everyone of them.

sick I’m wking that guy

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That kinda seems like I will get fake one.

Whatever. Better to try than not.

I wouldn’t mind getting a sword to play with, js

I’d love a sword Noz I shall use the sword for good I promise gimme plz

Thats something I was kinda expecting to happen btw.

I mean first request for stuff like that (vig kills) rarly comes from scum, but scum likes to join in for them when they see it works… Soooooo hi.

If you think I have no reason to request sword - you are wrong btw

Then can I receive wand :3?

Oh noes! A witch! Burn it!!!

inb4 noz gets murdered n1


Pros and cons of being new to FoL
You can’t scum read me.
You can assume my awful plays means I’m scum.
There’s no winning.


Everybody was…


kung fu fightin!

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Actually scumreading can happen regardless of meta

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The reason I suspect Noz may die is his QM claim

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Noz right now:


That’s also (hopefully) me tommorow.

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Wait a sec is Nuclear going to die tonight?