SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I’m also literally confirmed Quatermaster


-find scum

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Well, @eevee hasn’t technically confirmed you yet

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Which scum first ffs.
We need to concentrate on certain scum before others in this case.

Like what

Two NKs are dead, what more do you want lol

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I’m genuinely confused as to where you want to draw a priority list from.

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Did you read SoD or not?
You should realise just what I mean by prioritising.

Did you read what I said?

Witch is not a particularly high priority unless you’re scum.

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Plus how do you even plan to prioritise?

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Are you actually serious right now?
You remind me of some ToL classes.
But anyway, on a less foolish note, I believe that we need to concentrate on the Bomber-esque class.


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We just need to get investigatives to concentrate on the bomber
We need to agree on our executions and what sort of classes target which people.

D2: Execute player 1
N2: Investigatives target player 2 and killers/offensive on player 3.
D3: Results get said, we decide on new execution.

Rinse and repeat.

I mean

I’ve never faced a Bomber before

But having faced an Arsonist plenty of times I can’t say it’s ever been particularly important to plan for only them

Failure to pay attention to the IM will see us lose even if we get the Witch

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No! Bomber is not an arsonist orange!
Do not treat them the same.
Bomber is higher priority.
It’s like arsonist who’s doused everyone silently.
But cannot ignite instantly.

So we have three days to find it

That’s a long time

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Do we massclaim then? That seems like the only “correct” solution lol

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Did witch just curse us again?

A mark appeared on my leg. How fun


Lets call fade.

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